Till now, she used a simple Gantt chart in Excel but wanted something better with more functionalities. So, I created this Excel Leave Tracker Template to make leaves management easy and track monthly and annual leaves by her team members. You can also use this as a vacation tracker template or student attendance tracker if you want.

Excel Leave Tracker Template

This Excel Leave Tracker template can be used to record and monitor employee leaves for a year (of a financial year where you can choose the starting month of the year). You can track 10 different leave codes for an employee  – vacation leaves, sick leaves, maternity/paternity leaves, casual leave tracking, leave in lieu of overtime, and half days, etc. It also provides a monthly and yearly total of different types of leaves that can be helpful in project planning and leave management. It uses a bit of conditional formatting, a few DATE functions, array formulas, and a simple VBA code. Download the Excel Leave Tracker Template (tracking for 20 employees/people) How this Excel Leave Tracker Template Works?

Use the triangle icons next to the month name to move to the next/previous month (the template updates itself to show the dates for the selected month). There is a short VBA code that runs in the background whenever you change the month. It shows you the selected month only and hides all the other months. This Excel template can be used to track leaves for over a year. You can select a start month and can track leaves for a year. For example, if you follow the April-March cycle, select April 2023 as the starting month. Note: The value in cell A1 is to change the time period of the leave tracker ONLY. DO NOT use Cell A1 to move to the next month while recording leaves. Use the triangle icons next to the month names to go to the next/previous month and mark leaves. You can specify the working days and non-working days (Weekends). At the right of the leave tracker, there is functionality to specify the working days by selecting Yes from the drop-down. If you select No, that day is marked as a non-working day in the leave tracker. As soon as you specify the non-working days, those weekdays get highlighted in gray color in the leave tracker.

You can update the holiday list in the worksheet named “Holiday List”. It will automatically be reflected in the tracker by highlighting those days in Orange color. To enter the leave record for employees, use the relevant codes based on the leave type (you can customize these leave codes). For example, in the case of sick leave, use S, in the case of Vacation, use V, as so on. There are two codes reserved for half-day leaves. you can enter H1 or H2 for a half-day leave.

As soon as you enter the leave code for any employee, it gets highlighted in red (in the case of half-day, it gets highlighted in yellow). If that day is a weekend or holiday, the color would not change. Column NJ (highlighted in green in the pic below) has the number of leaves of that employee in that month. It counts the leaves on working days only (those on weekends and/or holidays are not counted). Half-day leaves are counted as 0.5. UPDATED: Column NK (highlighted in light red in the pic below) has the number of annual leaves taken by an employee. It counts the leaves on working days only (those on weekends and/or holidays are not counted). Half-day leaves are counted as 0.5. Columns NL to NU gives the leave break-up by leave code (for the entire year). This could be helpful to keep a track of the type of leave that has been availed. Note that while Half Leaves are counted as .5 leaves in the total count, in the leave break-up, it is counted as whole numbers. For example, 2 half leaves would lead to 1 leave count, but you’ll see two half leaves in the leave breakup.

I have created this leave/attendance tracker template for 20 employees. If you want to add more, just copy-paste the formatting and formulas for additional rows. Also, since there is a VBA code involved, make sure you always save it with .xls or .xlsm extension. Download the Leave Tracker Template Note: To update this template for any year, simply change the year value in cell A2. For example, to make it for 2017, just change the value in A2 to 2017. Also, you need to update the holiday list for the specified year. The download file is completely unlocked so you can customize it to your needs. Here is another version of the template that can track leaves for 50 employees. Since I created this vacation/leave tracker, I have been inundated with emails and comments. What you see now is a refined version that has been possible due to all the feedback that I have got. I hope you find this leave/vacation tracker helpful. Are there any other areas where you think an Excel template could be helpful? I am hungry for ideas and you are my gold mine. Do share your thoughts in the comments section 🙂 Related Excel Project Management Tutorials and Templates:

Holiday Calendar Template in Excel. Employee Timesheet Calculator Template. Milestone Chart in Excel. Making a Pareto Chart in Excel. Making a Histogram in Excel. Task Matrix Productivity Template.

Regards, Ajinkya To create one dropdown attribute named Country and based on the country selection for that particular employee, the respective public holiday needs to be applied for that particular resource. Please help. Best Regards Raghav The tracker is superb but I need one more help on it. I would like to track the leave balance too. It is doable? Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks Your Leave Tracker is amazing and has really opened my eyes even wider to what Excel can do. I am trying to use this tracker for my employees but instead of tabulating the days and half days can this be modified to tabulate hours instead? Thank you so much! We all work with different start dates so for example my leave year runs 1st May until 30th April. My colleagues may run 1st June – 31st May. Thank you though as it’s brilliant. Ex : If an employee is on vacation continuously for 30 Days. It should also consider the other (off) days as annual leave. Currently if vacation is marked on the leave days/off days, it is not capturing they. How would I make count the leavs uncluding the off dasy. I have downloaded the excel template and it is very good to use and I have a query can we update the template based upon location for holidays. Ex: If suppose in a team there are total 12 members and 4 are from Banglore, 2 from Pune, 2 from Gurgaon, 4 from Hyd so the holidays differ from location to locaion so how can we distinguish the holidays among the team members. Regards, M I’m trying to tweak it some to add additional tracking capability. When I add the columns and codes for what I want to check it is working just fine, but I would like to exclude 3 codes of the 9 being used from being tallied in the ‘Leaves this Month’ and ‘Leaves this Year’ sum cells. I’m not having luck modifying the formula as I don’t have a lot of experience with so many layers of nesting. Could you point me in the right direction? Thanks! TIA Here it shows month wise. I need the detail of leaves one year at one place. Thank you very much for this. I want to include “IN” and “OFF” on the days that employees are working and have off days but I do not want these to be counted when entered into the cells? How to exclude these so they are not counted in the leave totals? Thanks very much. Is it possible to do this? This is very nice, but I am using SharePoint. It doesn’t allow for macros. You don’t have a version without the VB macro to move from month to month or ideas on how to create one without VB macro? Regards, Peter How can I do this?? I’ll be more than happy to share the current sheet I’m using. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and many thanks in advance. Thanks for the help. I needed this. Does this template has the capability to handle multiple region public holiday calendar. For e.g. employee in America have 4th July as public holiday but employee in Europe will be working on that day. For example: Monday – Sunday cells on calendar for each employee should have an option that designates working day a “Yes” or No” selection.

  1. i’m working in a company, my job is daily updation of leaves. So we use multiple sheets for working. now i need to work using your excel sheet, but i can’t copy the sheet to another. some problem occur during copying. 2. Using your sheet for a year. one employee is joined in January, their details remains till the end of that year. if we delete when the resigned, whole data would goes with it. we want the month changing system, but in data should enclose with that month only, is that possible. please give me a solution. i’m waiting for your concern. How come I can note Enter V-(vacation) on a Holiday. How can I do this with another code? Looking forward to your soonest response. Regards, Prec Thanks How can I make it to where an absence will drop off after 90 days? Thanks again! Also, it would be great to test the number of days leave taken against the maximum allowed (for example; a maximum of 10 day’s annual leave per year; or 30 day’s sick leave per three year cycle). Can you please help me with this? For example: Create a new conditional formatting rule using Classic and Formula =B8=$NX$10 applying to ‘Leave Tracker’!$B$8:$NI$27 and give it some custom colours. You will need to remove the NX line from the rule that currently turns it red. Good luck! Just wondering if it’s difficult to add a section where you can enter the number of leave days that are allowed and so the days left over can be tracked. Thank you again and looking forward to a possible solution. It’s not difficult. I just inserted some columns at the end and added in the formulas. This is a great tool to track the annual leave for the workers in the company. I am a big fan of the different reason for leave. However, there is something that I think will be useful and maybe someone can help me with. For example: If we have a worker who works in some of the holidays, later need to be compensated with an extra day. How we can track the extra days for the workers who work on holidays? Thanks for your help! This is an excellent leave tracker. I have few questions: 1- We do not half days leaves so how can i remove it from formula and instead use my own codes for full day. I tried removing 0.5 with 1 in formula but it didn’t work. 2- How can week ends be included in tracker calculation if someone is assigned to work on weekends? Thanks i am not able to change the month to feb in leave tracker. i get a message that macros disabled can u help Thanks so much for your amazing work. Kind Regards, Newman This is awesome tool! We have employees with different work week. I would like to add all the names in the same spreadsheet rather than copying the same workbook for different work week. Is this possible? Looking forward to your reply. Thanks. Thanks for the tracker. I would like to customize the tracker to run with our financial year from July to June. could you kindly assist with the codes for that. in addition, i’d like the leave to only count vacation days and half days. how do i change the code to that? Regards. Per the US Department of Labor’s Employer’s Guide to The Family and Medical Leave Act (WH-1421): Calculating FMLA Leave… Time that an employee is not scheduled to report for work may not be counted as FMLA leave. Only the amount of leave actually taken may be counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. When a holiday falls during a week in which an employee is taking the full week of FMLA leave, the entire week is counted as FMLA leave. However, when a holiday falls during a week when an employee is taking less than the full week of FMLA leave, the holiday is not counted as FMLA leave, unless the employee was scheduled and expected to work on the holiday and used FMLA leave for that day. An employee does not accrue FMLA leave at any particular hourly rate. Would you be able to address how to correct the leave count? Thanks, Alma Excellent tracker, thank you so much. Would like to check if I can delete the leave codes as I do not need so many in my tracker. Your reply will be highly appreciated. Thank you! thanks Please let me know what changes should I do in macro and date formula. It will be huge help. Regards Sachin Sharma first of all, thank you very much. the excel to count annual leave is very helpful. is it possible to insert an extra cell or column for starting date of each employee my leave, let say, 12 days per year, and “as of today”, how many days he or she is entitled? Then, there’ll be the balance of each staff. Also, just in case, use the financial year Apr 2018 to Mar 2019 instead of Jan 2018 to Dec 2018, will it be difficult to modify the excel? It says “The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled” It says “The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled” Thanks, Rajib Das Isnt there anyway where it shows the summary for only july aug sept n so on..please do let me know. If possible please reply me on my email. How I add new employee/ DId you ever figure out how to go to the next month? I’m still having problems with those scroll arrows. Thanks Melody Whao! May God bless you real good. Let me know how to select it. . I need to include “Comp-Off” in my leave type which should not be considered as leave. Please let me know if there is a way to accomplish that? Thanks in advance Is there any way I can add additional sheets as tabs at the bottom of the spread sheet? When i try copy the tab and use the scroll bar i receive a run time error 🙁 Brilliant other than this Sumit… top marks sir! Thanks! Emily btw, thank you so much for sharing this excel leave tracker.. You can download the file using the Download button at the top-right. Thanks a lot. Love your templates Sereba Regards, Vijeta First of all, thanks for the awesome excel spreadsheet! It is definitely efficient, clean, and pretty easy to use. I’ve added some changes to the excel, I’ve added additional years since we’re halfway into 2017 and modify some of the codes to be in alignment with our policy. With that being said, the modifications took place, I’ve crossed path with issues with the additional years. As I was scrolling through next year 2018, the excel spreadsheet did not clear all data from the current year. What codes that was already plugged in this current year carried over to 2018. How can I go about clearing the codes for next calendar year? Also, I would like to update the Holidays page for the year of 2018. How can I go about updating next years holidays chart and so forth? If I am able to update the holidays sheet, will the holidays carry over in the leave tracker sheet for the year of 2018? Thanks a bunch!! Can you add three more columns on the right like Back Up Resource, Approved By Client and other? I need that for 30 employees I am trying to add Employee ID & Location in the beginning of the sheet but I am not able to move the formulas. Is there a way to fix this please? Any ideas? This is a great spreadsheet, thanks for sharing. I’m trying to adapt it to use it to track all hours worked by my employees for the month, quarter, and year. So in each day on the calendar, I enter the hours worked by the employee. Can you advise how I can create columns that total the hours worked for the current month, current quarter, and the entire year? I’m trying to learn how you set up your {sumproduct:offset} forumula, but don’t quite understand them as of yet. Thanks again, Shawn I would like to add to column with repsect to leave breakup like “L” for Late and “P” for permission. But I do not want to add this in Leaves this month and Leaves this Year column How do I proceed for this Regards Visu.V Thanks for the help!! How can I move the scroll bar down if I insert additional rows? Would it be possible to add extra columns next to name, such as team,…? Because every time I add a column, the first day of the month January disapears Your Leave Tracker is amazing, and I am trying my best to use it. However, I will like to upload it on Google Sheets so that I can share it with my entire team, but I do not want them to be able to make changes, just to view the sheet. Anytime I upload it, it changes the last day of the month to the first day, is there anything you can do to help. This is going to be a life saver for me if this works. Thanks a lot and I do hope to hear from you soon. Hope that you have a template for this for Google Docs 🙂 Are you aware of a way that will stack 3 months at a time and show the month prior and after the selected month? So a manager can see 3 months of planned leave at a time? I have thought about linking multiple macros but I did find it difficult and kept getting errors. For example, if we have 3 employees and instead of viewing 3 months horizontally, we want to see vertically. Using what we would like to see for feb as an example I have listed it below… January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 etc Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Feb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 etc Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 etc Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 I tried to mark Feb 7, 2016 as VL for 2016, but when I changed the year to 2017, Feb 7, 2017 was automatically VL. Do we have fix to delete the entries for another year if you moved to the next year? Also, what if I want to add a “Half Day SL” in the leave breakup? How to do this one?
  2. How do I add more leave options – I want to add a leave option for “unpaid leave” and a few others. I downloaded your excellent Leave Tracker and I’ve added some other functionality to it. Great spreadsheet – love the slider changing to the relevant month. I’ve since added 4 sheets to it showing an Individual Calendar (showing all annual absences of all types), a group summary and a Management summary dashboard along with a Master data spreadsheet controlling some new functionality. Couldn’t have done it with your starting sheet though. As an idea for a future spreadsheet what about and ‘Issues / Risk Log Tracker’. This should ideally include the following: The same log should be able to track Issues or Risks. Each record must include ‘Unique Reference’ e.g. I-001 or R-001, ‘Raised By’ (Creator Name) ‘Date Logged’, ‘Issue Name’ (or ‘Customer Name’), ‘Description of Issue / Risk’ field (free text), ‘Current Owner’ (Owner name) ‘Priority’ (High, Medium, Low), ‘Age’ field (Age of issue in days) ‘Last Updated on’ (Date / Time field – flagged and highlighted if not updated in X days), ‘Status’ (Open, Closed, On Hold (with a triggered ‘Off Hold’ date), an associated ‘Audit’ record and, most importantly… Each record must be able to accommodate multiple Actions with each Action having a Time / Date stamp. A Log Dashboard would be useful e.g. X Records over Y days, XX Records over YY days, had XX records open, etc., etc. There are lots of Templates out there but all a little basic and importantly they don’t accommodate multiple actions (most Issues / rRsks are resolved with a series of actions which need to be recorded and tracked). The ability to produce a formatted history / report for an individual record would be nice – especially if it can be emailed to the person / persons responsible for the next action. What do you think? I developed a spreadsheet that does all the above but it is a little clumsy and probably not that efficient – I’m sure it can be improved on. 1)0.5day can be sick leave, annual leave or unpaid leave. How can I do to count this particular 0.5day at the respective breakup column as 0.5 instead of counting as 1? 2)Some employee are 5 working day, some is 6 working day and some is 5.5 day within departments. Can I record altogether in this template? Sue You are god sent! The excel is god’s gift! However, i have added 2 more leave codes and how do i color code them using conditional formatting? Thanks! Ivy Great piece of work by the way – works really well! I have been playing with this file trying to make it show me the weeks per year, and also im trying to make it show me the leaves not only the total of the month but for the week. (first week this many leaves, second week this many…) Hope you can help me and once again Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Regards from Mexico!! Amigo. Anyone could help ? Many thanks. – Alex Use this one for NK8 (and copy for all cells): =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)””)(IF(OR(OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$6,OFFSET($A8,0,1,1,372)=$NS$5),0.5,1)(OFFSET($A$3,0,1,1,372)))) Thanks Also, to change months, use the scroll bar and not cell A1. This is Arikrishnan. So pleasure to get in touch with you. I need a favour from you regarding a Tracker you updated for Attendance (http://trumpexcel.com/2015/03/…. In this Tracker you have made the fields “Leave this Month (Cell NJ)”, “Leaves This Year (Cell NK)” till Cell NQ as constant and only cells allocated for every month changes. My requirement is that, I need those aforementioned fields needs to be changed as I would like to use those fields for monthly report. Can you assist me in this !!!! Whenever I put a leave in a cell it reflects on the other months. Kindly help advise. Thanks. 🙂 I have figured out what I was doing wrong! I had the right formula but missed that the formula was an Array Formula so consequently I was getting the #VALUE! when I spotted the { } brackets at the start and end of the formula I did some research which suggested after entering the additional information I use the key combination CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER rather than just Enter and it worked! Now have the spreadsheet working perfectly with 3 options for half-days and an additional column noting the lateness. Patrick – How I can customize/add/remove the leave codes – How can I update new code on leave break up section Patrick I had to add to add an extra row so firstly make sure you only move the rows directly below where you insert the formula so that the main spreadsheet is kept in its format. I copied one of the leave codes and then “Inserted Copied Cells” shifting the others down and changed the letters to the Code I wanted i.e. HS When you add the extra column, Copy the whole cell range and again insert the copied cells, this will shift the whole lot to the right then again change the code to match the one you want. Once you have completed the first two actions, you will then need to amend the formulas in the first cell you want to change, make the relevant changes directly into the cell then before exiting the line use the key combination CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER (This is because the formula is an Array formula) This will then save the amended formula for you. Once you have done this once, you can copy the cell and paste and this should work fine. I hope this helps, let me know if I can help any more, good luck, Patrick It is a bit complex but I think I can put something together to show you how to change C to show a 1/2 day. I am training staff today but will try to get an answer to you tomorrow. In the meantime, please can you let me know which cell the letter “C” sits in i.e. NP4 etc Thanks, Patrick Just wondering if you could let me know which Cell the letter C sits in on your spreadsheet. Thanks, Patrick I managed to edit the formula and it worked! Thanks again for your help though! Do you happen to know how to create one for 2017? Do we change the dates and holidays manually? Thanks, Vanessa I am delighted that you have managed to make the changes!!! All you need to do is amend the Year on the spreadsheet to 2017 and it will do the rest for you. What we have done here is to copy the sheet and change the date and save it as 2017. I hope this helps best regards, Patrick =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)””)(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$6,0.5,1)(OFFSET($A$4,0,31($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))) I know I the NS is no longer correct and should be OS but when I add the range it adds them to the total even without any entries being made As you will see I have had to put in a new set of formula for each separate half day that I had to record. =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A70,0,1,1,372)””)(IF(OFFSET($A70,0,1,1,372)=$OG$8,0.5,1)(IF(OFFSET($A70,0,1,1,372)=$OG$5,0.5,1)(IF(OFFSET($A70,0,1,1,372)=$OG$9,0,1)(IF(OFFSET($A70,0,1,1,372)=$OG$3,0.5,1)(OFFSET($A$3,0,1,1,372))))))) Before I did this, I had to create the half day holiday reference cells so I added to the existing table pushing the Days of the week table down. (I hope this makes sense where you have “NS$6” I changed mine to “OG$” then the cell number this is because I moved the cells to the right when I created the extra columns to show the half days under the “Annual Leave Breakup” columns (I simply copied the Holiday Column, pasted copied cells, shifting to the right and renamed the column). I hope this helps, Patrick So sorry for my slow reply. I just copied the spreadsheet then amended the year to 2017 and it did the rest. Patrick You can make the changes as normal but as the formula is an Array formula you have to shut it down differently, you cannot just select ENTER you have to use the key combination CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER – here is a link with more detail, which helped me: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-formulas-and-functions/553799-what-do-brackets-mean-when-they-encompass-a-function.html Hope this helps, let me know if you want to know how I added in the additional codes etc Patrick Your leave tracker is very nice.thanks.i have modified the leave tracker to include onshore and offshore and hence have created two list in holidays.its working fine except the sum section in column NJ.I am just replacing the holiday list in formula with my one but its not working.its showing 1 only.also i am not able to understand the logic also.can you please help. With months on the place of employee names and the heading will be the name of employee. Please hep I need some assistance regarding protecting the sheet. I need my employees to have access to view the planner but no edit permissions. I have tried many avenues however I’m unable to make the scrollbar the only accessible function. Are you able to assist? Many thanks!! Do you have any type of excel form whereas you can still track the services each day but are able to add 2 or 3 codes in one box and it tallys it at the end based upon each client’s needs?? For example, each client is given 100 units for Behavorial Health for either a 3, 6, 9 or 12 month period. As I enter the services daily, it will deduct from the available units till the next authorization period. Thanks, In the formula, replace ‘Total Leaves’ with the number of total leaves in your company. In the formula, replace ‘Total Leaves’ with the number of total leaves in your company. I also need for the CASUAL LEAVE to be changed to CAME LATE (THIS SHOULD BE HIGHLIGHTED IN RED) BUT NO DEDUCTIONS SHOULD BE MADE ALSO, SOME STAFF WORK ON A SUNDAY AND GET A DAY OFF (CAN YOU INSERT A COLUMN FOR “O” OFF DAY? I also tried to update the calendar with our Holidays and it give me the run time error also. Friday 1 January 2016 – New Years Day Mon 21 March 2016 – Human Rights Day Friday 25 March 2016 – Good Friday Monday 28 March 2016 – Family Day Wed 27 April 2016 – Freedom Day Sunday 1 May 2016 – Workers Day Monday 2 May 2016 – “Public Holiday” Thursday 16 June 2016 – Youth Day Tuesday 9 August 2016 – National Women’s Day Sat 24 September 2016 – Heritage Day Friday 16 December 2016 – Day of Reconciliation Sunday 25 December 2016 – Christmas Day Monday 26 December 2016 – Day Of Goodwill (if you add all these dates in, then I can just update it next year without any problem) Your assistance is much appreciated!!!!! Can you guide me thru how to edit the formulas in the excel sheet? Thanks alot in advance for your reply ! Please share your spreadsheet to alikhansiraj1@gmail.com Its a great template. Thanks. I need 2 different section with Half Casual and Half Sick leave. I could not formulate the template. Would appreciate it if you could help me. I need four different options : Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Half Sick, Casual Leave,Half Casual. I was not able to add formula to account another half day leave. Would be great if you could help. Thanks B12: where the month number appears using a scroll bar H:NO is the year days columns range showcalendar() SCHEDULE.Range(Columns(Range(“B12”).Value * 37 – 35), Columns(Range(“B12”).Value * 37 + 1)).Hidden = False End Sub I’m trying to change the equation numbers but it’s not working .. Don’t hide columns or the correct ones .. can you give a hand !? Appreciate your help ! I have downloaded the template, thank you very much for allowing free access to it, very helpful. However, when I try to move the scroll bar to change the month, it shows the Runtime error 1004 : application defined or object defined error. Why could it be so and can I do something to fix it? Thank you in advance! I am just stuck on one thing though. I need to enter retroactive leave for the years of 2014 and 2015 to accurately check leave balances for staff in the present. I added in all of the relevant Holidays for 2014/2015/2016 into the [Holidays] worksheet. I then changed the value in A2 to read ‘2014’. I then scrolled through the months and entered in the leave. However, when I change the A2 value to read ‘2015’ and then I scroll through the months to add leave for 2015, the leave I added for 2014 is still associated to those days. Is there a way I can add in leave days for multiple years without it affecting each year’s data? =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31($A$3-1)+1,1,31)””)((OFFSET($A$4,0,31($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))((OFFSET($A8,0,31($A$3-1)+1,1,31)””))) The month number is cell A1 is to give the user the flexibility to change the lave year. For example, to have the year as Jan-Dec, make A1 value 1, for Apr-Mar, make it 4. . Once you have set leave year, you need to use the scroll bar only to go to next/previous month. thanks. I want add couple holiday workseets (holiday_US, holiday_UK..) For all of new add new formatting with different colors. but where define different worksheets name? I’m trying to customized base on requirement, and trying to use the same sheet as a shift tracker. As part of this I need your support: 1) I’ve to put the log-in time of each employees when they are present. So, in column NJ (Leaves This Months) & in NK (Leaves This Year) should pull the total no. of days and ignore the cell were the log-in time is mentioned .currently if we put the login time then it is getting added as leaves. 2) I’ve added three more column, which in NU, NV & NW this column will count the no. days he/she had login in particular region so that in end of the month it will be easy to calculate the shift allowance. for eg. if a person log-in at 12:15 3 days, then column NU (UK Login i.e 11:15 am to 8:30 PM) will show as 3 days. It will be really helpful if you can help me in putting the formula to get the desire results, When leaves are updated for Feb month ie 25 Feb, same leave codes are copied for other months as well which duplicates the work and same case for previous months ie Feb 2016 data is reflecting in Jan 2016. Also in holiday list whether I can name it as public holiday and optional holiday for each month with color code to view in main.sheet? As of now, there is no way to classify holidays in the tracker this is a great help. Hope this helps I have the same question. I don’t want Sick day to count as Annual Leave. How did you figure it out? Thanks This would show you monthly as well as total leaves taken so far. If you could include 2 more columns to show “Allowable Leave Days” and “Leave days balance”, it would be great. How can I have the total Leaves for the entire year? Thanks Jet Our employees work one week in the whole, so I don’t record the PTO used until the week after it has been used. When I opened up the sheet today, the only dates in January showing were from the 11th (today’s date) through the end of the month). Is there a way for the entire sheet to show for the entire month and thereafter?? Now when you enter ‘L’ (for Late) in any of the cells, it will be counted. I have added a column for employee id Thx is it able to adjust? Thank you 🙂 I haven’t checked this on Google Doc, but I feel this wont work in Google Docs. Thanks a ton for sharing the excel sheet. It has helped me in sorting out the employee leave details to a great extent. Just one request: Can you please share the formula to include weekends (Saturday and Sunday) under “# of Leaves” column. In my company, we don’t have a weekend system in place and rather have weekly offs for employees. Looking forward to a favorable response from your end. Regards From here I have no problem calculating remaining days. It’s just calculating individual contracts that is causing issues. How to move the scroll bar to next cell.. has employee are more than count 10 Thanks for this. I have one request, how can I add # of Leaves for a complete year To get the leave balance, subtract this leave count from the total number of leaves. Hope this helps Further, in order to track total vacation days taken for the entire year, how would I adjust the # of leaves formula? Thank you so much for a great template. A few questions: 1.How can we keep track of total vacation time allowed for each employee and then track the remaining vacation?
  3. Can you explain the formula a bit? I am trying to edit to accommodate for quarter day and half day vacations but it gives me error. Thank you, S Hope this works for you. This template is amazing i currently do everything by pen and paper but this will help me loads. is there a way you can make this template run the uk work calendar year which is april to april so month 1 starts april then adds all the days used untill the following april. i currently have 15 employees and would happily pay you if this could be updated for the next say 10- years and save me having to download every year also i am more than happy to edit and add in the public holidays manually .