Thermometer chart in Excel could be a good way to represent data when you have the actual value and the target value. A few scenarios when where it can be used is when analyzing sales performance of regions or sales rep, or employee satisfaction ratings vs the target value.

In this tutorial, I will show you the exact steps you need to follow to create a thermometer chart in Excel. Click here to download the example file and follow along.

Creating Thermometer Chart in Excel

Suppose you have the data as shown below for which you want to create a chart to show the actual value as well as where it stands as compared with the target value.

In the above data, the Achieved% is calculated using the Total and Target values (Total/Target). Note that the Target percentage would always be 100%. Here are the steps to create a thermometer chart in Excel: That’s it! Your Thermometer chart is ready to measure. Download Thermometer Chart Example File

Creating a Pareto Chart in Excel. Gantt Chart in Excel. How to Make a Bell Curve in Excel (Step-by-step Guide). Step Chart in Excel – A Step by Step Tutorial. How to Make a Histogram in Excel (Step-by-Step Guide). Creating a Heatmap in Excel. Area Chart in Excel. 10 Advanced Excel Charts that You Can Use In Your Day-to-day Work.

@mecoinst I am attempting to modify this and changed the axis range to 7000. Every month, for the next 36 months I will be adding approx. 200. By the end of 36 months the thermometer should reach the target. I want be able to enter a value (that I am adding monthly) in a cell and also on another cell to show a cumulative running total of how much I’ve added. How do I do this? Thanks, Jay. The data entry part is in a separate tab sheet where I have a table with the date, amt. paid, and sum. (A1 to C1). In another cell, G2 I have an array formula =OFFSET(Data,ROWS(Data)-1,2), which gives the cummulative total from the table. I have a defined name data for the table to automatically expand as I enter data: =OFFSET(Data!$A$1:$C$1,0,0,COUNT(Data!$A:$A)+1) . The actual value in the chart sheet (A3) is a named referenced cell to the data sheet G2. Works like a charm! Jay.