Now, you are the one who gets this data, and you have to filter all these records that have a bold formatting. For example, suppose you have the data set as shown below, and you want to filter all the cells that have been formatted in bold font.

Let’s face it. There is no straightforward way of doing it. You cannot simply use an Excel filter to get all the bold cells. But that doesn’t mean you have to waste hours and do it manually. In this tutorial, I will show you three ways to filter cells with bold font formatting in Excel:

Method 1 – Filter Bold Cells Using Find and Replace

Find and Replace can be used to find specific text in the worksheet, as well as a specific format (such as cell color, font color, bold font, font color). The idea is to find the bold font formatting in the worksheet and convert it into something that can be easily filtered (Hint: Cell color can be used as a filter). Here are the steps filter cells with bold text format: In the above steps, we have converted the bold text format into a format that is recognized as a filter criterion by Excel. Now to filter these cells, here are the steps: This will automatically filter all those cells that have bold font formatting in it. Try it yourself.. Download the file

Method 2 – Using Get.Cell Formula

It time for a hidden gem in Excel. It’s an Excel 4 macro function – GET.CELL(). This is an old function which does not work in the worksheet as regular functions, but it still works in named ranges. GET.CELL function gives you the information about the cell. For example, it can tell you:

If the cell has bold formatting or not If the cell has a formula or not If the cell is locked or not, and so on.

Here is the syntax of the GET.CELL formula

Type_num is the argument to specify the information that you want to get for the referenced cell (for example, if you enter 20 as the type_num, it would return TRUE if the cell has a bold font format, and FALSE if not). Reference is the cell reference that you want to analyze.

Now let me show you how to filter cells with text in a bold font format using this formula: That’s it! All the cells with text in bold font format have now been filtered. Note: Since this is a macro function, you need to save this file with a .xlsm or .xls extension. I could not find any help article on GET.CELL() by Microsoft. Here is something I found on Mr. Excel Message Board. Try it yourself.. Download the file

Method 3 – Filter Bold Cells using VBA

Here is another way of filtering cells with text in bold font format by using VBA. Here are the steps: Again! This workbook now has a macro, so save it with .xlsm or .xls extension Try it yourself.. Download the file I hope this will give you enough time for that much-needed coffee break 🙂 Do you know any other way to do this? I would love to learn from you. Leave your thoughts in the comment section and be awesome.

An Introduction to Excel Data Filter Options. Create Dynamic Excel Filter – Extract Data as you type. Creating a Drop Down Filter to Extract Data Based on Selection. Filter the Smart Way – Use Advanced Filter in Excel Count Cells Based on a Background Color. Highlight Blank Cells in Excel. How to Create a Heat Map in Excel. Excel VBA Autofilter.