Get the example workbook with the above link to follow along. In this example, you have a table of sales figures each in a separate tab named Jan through Dec. Each sheet is the same format with the table in the same position within each sheet. If you wanted to create a Total sheet and have a table in it that sums up each of the tables in the Jan to Dec sheets, then you could use the above formula and copy it across the whole table. Creating this formula isn’t very efficient though, as it requires selecting the Jan sheet, then selecting the cell C3, then typing a +, then selecting the Feb sheet, etc.s Going through 12 sheets in all. There is a better way! Add the sum formula into the total table. Your sum formula should now look like this =SUM(Jan:Dec!C3). The formula will sum up C3 across each of the sheets from Jan to Dec. You can also use this technique with other formulas like COUNT, AVERAGE, etc. An easier way over cycling through each sheet individually.