When to use Excel IS Function

IS function can be used when you want check a specific value and get either TRUE or FALSE based on the outcome.

What it Returns

It returns TRUE if the condition is met and FALSE if it is not met.


=ISBLANK(value) =ISERR(value) =ISERROR(value) =ISLOGICAL(value) =ISNA(value) =ISNONTEXT(value) =ISNUMBER(value) =ISREF(value) =ISTEXT(value)

Input Arguments

value – the value that you want to test. It could be a blank (empty cell), error, logical value, text, number, or reference value, or a name referring to any of these. Based on the IS formula you use, it would return either TRUE or FALSE.

Additional Notes

While Excel automatically converts a numerical value in double quotes to a number in formulas, this is not applicable in IS formulas. For example, ISNUMBER(“10″) would return a FALSE, as 10 in double quotes is treated as text.

Excel IS Function – Live Example

Excel IS Function – Video Tutorial

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