If you wonder what was my first post, here it is – Trump Excel’s First Post. Now coming back to cool Excel stuff, in this post I am sharing an amazing Excel Template that can help you manage your daily/weekly tasks with ease (and its fun to use) – TASK MATRIX Before you jump away and download it, here is some background to this template. Have you heard of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? It is a book by Stephen R Covey. If you haven’t read it, you should definitely go and get a copy today. In this book, Stephen talks about a time management technique (the Eisenhower Decision Matrix), which suggests dividing your tasks into 4 categories: The idea is to focus on 1st category followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

We all create To Do Lists, but if we have this matrix right in front of us, our productivity could take a huge leap. If this looks like a lot of work, don’t worry. Here is the Excel Template that will do it for you. All you need to do is create a simple To Do List (the same way you create every morning) and just mention if it is important and/or urgent. Download the TASK MATRIX Excel Template

Adding an activity/Task (It automatically gets populated in the relevant quadrant) You can Add Task by using the button on the tab TASK MATRIX. It gives a pop-up form where you can fill the details. Alternatively, you can also add a task by typing it directly in the To Do List Tab, and assign the Importance and Urgency level. Cross off a completed activity by double clicking on it When an activity/task has been completed, you can cross it off by double-clicking on it (in the tab TASK MATRIX) Remove all the completed activities with a single click At the end of day/week, you can remove all the completed activities by simply clicking on the Remove Completed Task button in the TASK MATRIX tab

Here is a short Video on how to use this template effectively:

I hope this Excel Template help you become more productive and save time. I would love to hear your feedback and any improvements that can be made to this template. Also, if you find this useful, do share it with your colleagues and friends and help them become more productive. UPDATE: If you are looking to add more tasks, here is the updated template that will let you add 50 tasks per category and a total of up to 200 tasks. Click here to download. More Productivity Excel Templates:

Download To Do List Templates in Excel. Calendar Integrated with a To-do List. Employee Timesheet Calculator.

Other Excel Resources:

Free Excel Templates. Excel Functions Explained – With Examples and Video. Online Excel Training.

You are a helpful and kind human being. Thank you again. This was such a useful guide and i enjoyed using it . But one doubt, i added one more column in the to do list page but while performing the “remove completed task” action only cells up to “Status” is getting deleted and the new column content remains the same. How to resolve this issue? Regards Sunil I’m unable to download the “Task Prioritization Matrix (To Do List) – Excel Template”, Would you kind be able to email me this? This is exactly what I’ve been looking for get started on my internship project. I would greatly appreciate if you could either fix the link or email me the spreadsheet. Thanks in advance! I’m unable to download the “Task Prioritization Matrix (To Do List) – Excel Template”, Would you kind be able to email me this? This is exactly what I’ve been looking for get started on my internship project. I would greatly appreciate if you could either fix the link or email me the spreadsheet. Thanks in advance! Is there a way to expand to see all 50 tasks in a category? Thanks, Javi I have downloaded it but it’s not working as like what you shown in the video. Could you please help out this issue ? If you have and idea…Thanks again for you help Best However I modified the data in the first tab so that it includes a column called Rank, which allows me to assign an order to my tasks, thus I can sort that table and my items will appear in the second tab in the order I want to complete them. It would be great if this was automatically managed in the VB side of things so I don’t have to manually sort the data table, but either way it’s doing the job. This is an excellent spreadsheet and it will be very useful. Is it possible to update the sheet so that the completed tasks are not deleted but removed from task sheet tab and the matrix tab and placed in another tab say ‘completed tab’ so that one can keep a running history of completed tasks. Of course this action all being done when the ‘Removed Completed Tasks’ button is selected pls help me out An unhandled win32 exception occurred in EXCEL.EXE [1068] Any additional attempts never even open, just crash with the same error… An unhandled win32 exception occurred in EXCEL.EXE [9664] <– note the different codes An unhandled win32 exception occurred in EXCEL.EXE [9998] An unhandled win32 exception occurred in EXCEL.EXE [11588] … etc… I’ve also tried saving the file as an Excel 97 .xls file, but same result. I am running Excel 2013 (MS Office Pro Plus 2013 v15.0.4569.1506) on in Windows 10. I would really like to give this template a try. Any insight is much appreciated. thanks again! Thank you for sharing your hard work. Please consider the following in a future update:

  1. Drag and Drop between Quadrants from the “Task Matrix”, if possible.
  2. Hierarchal sub-tasks so that a major-task is broken into sub-tasks. Maybe automated indenting under bulleted major-task? Sub-indentation with a hyphen?
  3. Font of done items to be in Grey font with a double strike-trough applied. Best Regards Whenever you add a task, it automatically gets recorded in the to-do-list worksheet. I can’t see how the double-clicking is set up. Is there a way to set it up with the new layout for the quadrants? I’m using Excel 2013. Thanks Thank you…! May I know please: 1. how to add more than 50 Task? 2. is it possible to show how much job is doen by persentage? 3. how about assign the job? just name. but when I am trying to double click on completed task, the striking-off option does not works can you check and rectify .